Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Moodboard analysis

From the information that I gathered for my moodboard I decided that the fonts for the pop tween magazines tend to be bubbly so a Microsoft word I tried to identify some of the fonts that I could use on my magazine title.

Now that I have identified some of the fonts that are associated with pop tween magazines I decided to brainstorm some possible name choices. The feedback I got from my classmates was that they al preferred the name "fizz" as they felt that this best suited the type of magazine that I was aiming for. My target demographic said that the name "fizz" is the name of magazine that they are most going to be attracted to when buying a magazine.

Wednesday, 12 January 2011


I made a moodboard so that I could see the type of iconography that pop tween magazines contain. By doing the moodboard I found that the titles and the colours that the magazine covers generally have are pastels for example pinks,blues and purples. I also found that the type of font that is normally used is quite bubbly and I will further my analysis on this in the next stage. The magazines covers tend to be quite busy and have one large central image and many puffs and images which tend to be in boxes in a similar colour. My moodboard also contains the type of artists that the readers generally are interested in so when choosing a article I will keep this in mind. As I will have to use a primary source image on the front cover I will make sure that my artists is of the same genre "pop".