Thursday, 12 May 2011


The fonts that I used on my magazine suit the conventions and this helps it reach out to the audience as they are used to this sort of fonts that are used in the magazines of my genre (pop music).
The images used on my magazine also suit the codes and convention as within top of the pops and mizz magazine which I researched previously in my research and planning stage. And it could be said that by cover model is somewhat similar to Willow smith as she is upcoming young star and this would be preferred by my target audience as they are used to see this type of artists so therefore would be appealing to my target audience (girls between the 9-13 years old). I feel that the camera shot that I used on my front cover is most appealing as during my research planning I found that most magazines within my genre use I close up shot as they target audience like to feel that they are getting to know the artist so prefer a close up shot. Also the angle that I used it also straight and forward and this is also for the same reason.
The colours I used within my magazine are very similar to those of top of the pops magazine as they also use pinks but in some ways I challenged this convention as I used blue which is not featured on the covers of these magazines as they just tend to use two different shades of pink. I think this challenge will attract my audience as it will allow my magazine to stand out from the others such as top of the pops.
Throughout my media magazine it could be said to represent a social class group such as working class as even though they could be considered as glamorous they have worked their way up for example Justin Bieber (mentioned on the cover) and cover star she is an upcoming artist. The general connotations and images that would be considered with pop stars would be first of all dressed in bright colours, not scruffy, clean cut and general quite a fresh look not too much make up just a natural look. Generally the representation of this genre of music would be positive and this is because of the age of my target audience and their fans as they aren’t old enough to be consumers of negative representations.
I would say that my magazine would probably be distributed by the BBC as they also distributed and produce its hot and top of the pops magazines which have a similar and in some what the same target audience. My magazine will be sold in supermarkets, corner and stationery/newsagents such as WH Smith where my target audience are likely to go and also as my target audience would really have disposable income unless from their parents so they would need to persuade their parents to buy it for them.
Age: 9-13 years old
Gender: girls
Class: working and some middle class as the children would go to the same state school so therefore they would have similar interests.
Race/ethnicity: white and black not Asian or oriental as they would want their children to be interest in more intellectual things.
Profession: primary school – to early secondary school
Lifestyle: sleepovers with their school friends, going to the cinema and possible a club such as some kind of dance class
Looking back at my preliminary task I see a defiant progression as I have a better layout, fonts and colours that reflect my target audience. But even though I see a progression I see improvements that could be made such as the quality of my images. And also the general look of my magazine I feel that it could have been more sleek.

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Final contents page

Below is my final contents page I made the modifications suggested from my feedback and also added a a box as I felt when looking at other magazines they tend to contain a box and tend yo be quite ordered and lined up.

Final double page spread

My final finished double page spread is below and this is the result of many different modifications.

Colour scheme

The colour scheme that I have chosen is shown below. I have chosen this colour scheme as when researching my target audience preferences I found that the majority that were asked said that they would be attracted to a magazine of the colours shown below. Also when I looked at existing magazines that were targeted to the same/similar target audience/Market and found that they also had a similar colur scheme this can be seen in one of my previous posts.

Image decided On for the front cover

First of all I chose this image but once I put it on my magazine cover it seemed to turn orange and I soon realised that this was not up to production quality so I quickly changed it to my alternative image which is below and I feel that this image still fits my target market as the cover star has the the look of high school sweetheart which is generally liked my target audience.

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Final double spread interview

Introducing hot new artist Blossom Blythe who is a youtube sensation could she be the female Justin Beiber. With her hot new single ‘someone to care’ coming out of our speakers everywhere we get to know the real person and find out about what she likes to do on a daily basis. She has shot to fame at the young age of nine years old and we discuss how she is coping with her new found fame. 

There have been many speculations about whether Blossom Blythe name is really and when I met up with her it was the first question we asked

Hi Blossom Blythe, first of all lets clear up everyone’s speculations about your name. is Blossom Blythe your real name or is it a stage name?
Yes it is a 100%, it is my middle name and surname. My full name is Maia Eleanor Ann Billie Blossom Blythe

Wow, that is a pretty cool name, where does it come from?
Well it’s just my grandmother’s nickname that’s it

So your new single is doing really well in the charts at the moment how amazing does that feel?
I’m so overwhelmed as this is what I have dreamed of since I was a little girl it’s like a dream come true I can’t believe it is actually happening. Sometimes I just pinch myself to see if it actually happening.

I’m not surprised, how are you dealing with your new found fame at such a young age, it must be a shock right?
It really is, people are starting to recognise me now, it’s really weird though as I so used to walking down the street like everyone else and no-one pays you any attention to you but now if someone calls my name in the street it causes mayhem. But it’s great because I love my fans and wouldn’t be anywhere without them

As you started out on YouTube to do you feel any different from other artists?
Hmmm, I feel lucky as there are so many videos on YouTube and there are so many other artists out there doing the same thing, covers on songs on YouTube and I was lucky enough to get picked out of all these artists and videos to get signed and live out my lifelong dream

So what do you on an average day?
I would probably get up eat some breakfast and either go to the studio or do interviews or photoshoot depending on the day. Get home around 10 and that's the day for me
You mentioned there, a lot about work there so what do you do when your not working?
Well, if I'm not working which is quite rare at the moment I like to sleep, chill out, shopping, meet some friends and spend sometime with the family really.

Tell us something that we don't know about you?
Well I'm a trained ballet dancer and I can eat a bowl of pasta in 1 min

That's really odd, a whole bowl? 
Yep me and friends found this out one time when in this restaurant this guy said that he would buy us a meal if we did a dare, so I did it and he gave us the meal but I wasn't hungry after eating the pasta.
So will we be seeing any pasta eating or dancing in your new video?
Uhmm I'm not sure about the pasta eating but dancing yeah of course.
So it's has been nice meeting you India Honey Rose!!
It has, can we meet up again because that was really fun talking about pasta and stuff

Our experience with Blossom Blythe  was quite interesting as she is a cool character also very quirky and now all of us at fizz magazine are fully pledged fans!!!
Quick fire question

What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve done?
Said that I can speak Japanese and tried to speak it. F-A-I-L
Have you tried to use your fame to get any freebies?
No, I haven’t might try it soon LOL
Who’s your celebrity crush?
Justin Bieber.  It’s the hair 
What's your TV guilty pleasure?
Keeping up with the kardashians, its just so addictive  
What is your favourite fast food?
Mc Donald’s
What's your worst habit?
Stage fright before go on stage I get really nervous
What’s the last thing that you bought?
I treated myself to my first designer bag when I got signed

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Draft double page spread

Introducing hot new artist India Honey Rose who is a youtube sensation could she be the female Justin Beiber. With her hot new single ‘someone to care’ coming out of our speakers everywhere we get to know the real person and find out about what she likes to do on a daily basis.

Hi India Honey Rose, first of all lets clear up everyone’s speculations about your name. is India Honey Rose your real name or is it a stage name?
Yes it is a 100% all my real name it’s just my name minus the surname which is James
Wow, that is a pretty cool name, where does it come from?
Well it’s just my grandparents names that’s it
So your new single is doing really well in the charts at the moment how amazing does that feel?
I’m so overwhelmed as this is what I have dreamed of since I was a little girl it’s like a dream come true I can’t believe it is actually happening. Sometimes I just pinch myself to see if it actually happening.
I’m not surprised, how are you dealing with your new found fame it must be a shock right?
It really is, people are starting to recognise me now, it’s really weird though as I so used to walking down the street like everyone else and no-one pays you any attention to you but now if someone calls my name in the street it causes mayhem. But it’s great because I love my fans and wouldn’t be anywhere without them
As you started out on YouTube to do you feel any different from other artists?
Hmmm, I feel lucky as there are so many videos on YouTube and there are so many other artists out there doing the same thing, covers on songs on YouTube and I was lucky enough to get picked out of all these artists and videos to get signed and live out my lifelong dream
So what do you on an average day?
I would probably get up eat some breakfast and either go to the studio or do interviews or photoshoot depending on the day. Get home around 10 and that's the day for me
You mentioned there, a lot about work there so what do you do when your not working?
Well, if I'm not working which is quite rare at the moment I like to sleep, chill out, shopping, meet some friends and spend sometime with the family really.
Tell us something that we don't know about you?
Well I'm a trained ballet dancer and I can eat a bowl of pasta in 1 min
That's really odd, a whole bowl? 
Yep me and friends found this out one time when in this restaurant this guy said that he would buy us a meal if we did a dare, so I did it and he gave us the meal but I wasn't hungry after eating the pasta.
So will we be seeing any pasta eating or dancing in your new video?
Uhmm I'm not sure about the pasta eating but dancing yeah of course.
So it's has been nice meeting you India Honey Rose!!
It has, can we meet up again because that was really fun talking about pasta and stuff

Friday, 11 February 2011

Analysis of double page spreads

Buzzwords to include within magazine

  • Hot
  • Phwoar
  • Kiss
  • Tell
  • Crazy
  • Mania
  • Shock/ing
  • Glam
  • Whoa

Possible front cover shots

The codes and conventions of tween pop magazines is that the background tends to be bright for example pink,blues,purples. Also there tends to be one central image of artist/s and there heads are over the title and there is also anchoring text which is related to the central image and tends to be a banner or in sticker form. In my magazine I intend to follow all the codes and conventions as I believe this is the best way to appeal to my target audience as it is what they are used to.

I realised that the central image tends to be quite what could be considered "cheesy" the artist/s tends to be smiling and standing in a stance that is quite playful and it either a full body shot or a mid shot, this is because the target audience either want a full body where they can see every detail of the artist/s or a mid shot where they can see quite close into the artist/s face so they can see them properly and also this gives them the illusion that the artist/s is looking at them.

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Title font

I have chosen this as my title font as I believe that this is a good option as when I asked my target audience about which one they preferred and was most appealing they chose this one so I feel this choice is most appropiate and fitting.

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Moodboard analysis

From the information that I gathered for my moodboard I decided that the fonts for the pop tween magazines tend to be bubbly so a Microsoft word I tried to identify some of the fonts that I could use on my magazine title.

Now that I have identified some of the fonts that are associated with pop tween magazines I decided to brainstorm some possible name choices. The feedback I got from my classmates was that they al preferred the name "fizz" as they felt that this best suited the type of magazine that I was aiming for. My target demographic said that the name "fizz" is the name of magazine that they are most going to be attracted to when buying a magazine.

Wednesday, 12 January 2011


I made a moodboard so that I could see the type of iconography that pop tween magazines contain. By doing the moodboard I found that the titles and the colours that the magazine covers generally have are pastels for example pinks,blues and purples. I also found that the type of font that is normally used is quite bubbly and I will further my analysis on this in the next stage. The magazines covers tend to be quite busy and have one large central image and many puffs and images which tend to be in boxes in a similar colour. My moodboard also contains the type of artists that the readers generally are interested in so when choosing a article I will keep this in mind. As I will have to use a primary source image on the front cover I will make sure that my artists is of the same genre "pop".