The fonts that I used on my magazine suit the conventions and this helps it reach out to the audience as they are used to this sort of fonts that are used in the magazines of my genre (pop music).
The images used on my magazine also suit the codes and convention as within top of the pops and mizz magazine which I researched previously in my research and planning stage. And it could be said that by cover model is somewhat similar to Willow smith as she is upcoming young star and this would be preferred by my target audience as they are used to see this type of artists so therefore would be appealing to my target audience (girls between the 9-13 years old). I feel that the camera shot that I used on my front cover is most appealing as during my research planning I found that most magazines within my genre use I close up shot as they target audience like to feel that they are getting to know the artist so prefer a close up shot. Also the angle that I used it also straight and forward and this is also for the same reason.
The colours I used within my magazine are very similar to those of top of the pops magazine as they also use pinks but in some ways I challenged this convention as I used blue which is not featured on the covers of these magazines as they just tend to use two different shades of pink. I think this challenge will attract my audience as it will allow my magazine to stand out from the others such as top of the pops.
Throughout my media magazine it could be said to represent a social class group such as working class as even though they could be considered as glamorous they have worked their way up for example Justin Bieber (mentioned on the cover) and cover star she is an upcoming artist. The general connotations and images that would be considered with pop stars would be first of all dressed in bright colours, not scruffy, clean cut and general quite a fresh look not too much make up just a natural look. Generally the representation of this genre of music would be positive and this is because of the age of my target audience and their fans as they aren’t old enough to be consumers of negative representations.
I would say that my magazine would probably be distributed by the BBC as they also distributed and produce its hot and top of the pops magazines which have a similar and in some what the same target audience. My magazine will be sold in supermarkets, corner and stationery/newsagents such as WH Smith where my target audience are likely to go and also as my target audience would really have disposable income unless from their parents so they would need to persuade their parents to buy it for them.
Age: 9-13 years old
Gender: girls
Class: working and some middle class as the children would go to the same state school so therefore they would have similar interests.
Race/ethnicity: white and black not Asian or oriental as they would want their children to be interest in more intellectual things.
Profession: primary school – to early secondary school
Lifestyle: sleepovers with their school friends, going to the cinema and possible a club such as some kind of dance class
Looking back at my preliminary task I see a defiant progression as I have a better layout, fonts and colours that reflect my target audience. But even though I see a progression I see improvements that could be made such as the quality of my images. And also the general look of my magazine I feel that it could have been more sleek.
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